Head Instructor's Welcome

Greetings and welcome Aspiring Missionaries and Laywomen! Our Women's Department is really excited in bringing you the information you will need to become an effective, well-trained, anointed woman for the ministry of Christ within the North Dakota Jurisdiction. We have some anointed, seasoned women who have worked in the ministry within the Church of God of Christ for many years. They have been tried and proven worthy to instructed you for licensure by the Lord and proven by your Bishop. I highly recommend them as women to get to know if they are in your district or local church.
If you are enrolled in JDOW MINISTRY you have been recommended by your pastor and he has the greatest confidence that you will give your best to the Lord and the training within our department. I pray God to be with all of you and may you endure to the end of this training program finishing the course and keeping the faith.
Grace and More Grace,

Supervisor Cheryl J. Rountree, Jurisdictional Supervisor ND
Meet Our Instructors

Mother Virgie Pulliam
Supervisor w/o Charge

Mother Herminia Cole
Jurisdictional First Lady

District Missionary Vernice Ivy
Unity District

District Missionary Sandra Hager
Glory District

District Missionary Juliet Davis
Praise District

District Missionary Benita Robinson
Anointed District
Photo Source: Endure To The End Ministries