Director of Training & Instructor: Supervisor Cheryl J. Rountree
Instructors: District Missionaries, Evangelists, Missionaries, Special Guests
Administrative Director:
Examination Licensure Board Committee: Written Board and Oral Board of Examination
International Women's Department Requirements:
Procedures for International Cogic Women's Department
Send in Required Documents to International Women's Department and ND Jurisdictional Secretary for Cogic General Secretary Office located in Memphis, Tennessee
Record Keeping:
Keep records of all License Missionaries and Aspiring Missionaries in the program
Schedule Examinations for Candidates for License
Provide Jurisdictional Certificates for courses
Seminars & Workshops Committee: Responsible for seminar and workshop teaching during Convocation and any women's department teaching functions.
Photo Source: Bing.com/images
NOTE: I thought it necessary to explain the overall setup and purpose of the JDOW Ministry. It is not the total sum of our Department of Women. It is merely a portion of it. It is the portion that oversees, examines, records, and trains women in ministry; and it also provides teachings for laywomen working in our auxiliaries, units, bands, and circles, and finally for those who are seeking to go deeper in their walk with Christ. It is not to replace the organizational structure that has already been established within our Department of Women of the Church of God in Christ in the North Dakota Jurisdiction. This structure only applies to the training program, the Bishop and Supervisor still have final authority for licensing missionaries in accordance with the International Women's Handbook and International Church of God in Christ.