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Missionary Unit

Aspiring Missionary: The Aspiring Missionary is a woman who is saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and feels a special call of God in her life for a higher ministry. She can be any adult age. She should be a woman whose life reflects a godly image and who has been faithful to her family and her church. She must be godly concerned about soul winning, faithful in prayer, and apt to teach. She should have at least one (1) year of training, which consists of a study of the Old and New Testament, the Doctrine, and the Women's Handbook of the Church of God in Christ. These studies could be completed through Bible classes, Bible study courses, correspondence, or special classes set up by the Jurisdictional/State Supervisor. She should display a pattern of good works, being obedient to her pastor and church mother. And adhering to the doctrine and teaching of the Church as it relates to proper dress code, which signifies Holiness. It is also suggested that she have some field training by going with or helping a licensed missionary in revivals, jail ministries, or whatever field she feels a call to work. After one year of study and observation, the pastor should submit a Recommendation Form to her State/Jurisdictional Supervisor; she will then be given a time and date to meet the Examination Board. Upon completion of the written and oral test, a Deaconess License will be issued, unless otherwise requested by the pastor.

Evangelist Missionary: is a female who is saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. One who feels God has called her to expound the gospel of Jesus Christ with a quest and a passion for soul winning. She must be loyal, dedicated, obedient, and a supportive member of her local church; having the recommendation of her pastor and church mother. She should also be loyal to her Jurisdictional Bishop and Supervisor. Giving support financially and spiritually during any Women Department and general jurisdictional programs. She must be available to do ministry in the local, district, and state, which could extend into outer state ministry (as endorsed by her leaders). She must adhere to the teaching of Holiness and modest apparel. Her life must exemplify Holiness in every way. Be informed that this license does not qualify you to be a National Evangelist.

Deaconess Missionary: Deaconess Missionary is a licensed missionary whose activities are to be within the confines of her local church. However, with the permission of her pastor, her ministry may be extended beyond the local church. Her church mother or and evangelist missionary should accompany her. Her ministries may include hospital, home visitation, and assisting in prison training through Institute classes, Bible Schools, etc. This will equip her for effective ministry. After one year of dedicated service, she may be elevated to Evangelist Missionary with the recommendation of her pastor and church mother, only if she feels the call to evangelistic ministry. The role of a Deaconess Missionary is not to be confused with that of the Deaconess of the local church. 

District Missionaries: Are recommended by the District Superintendent, appointed by the Jurisdictional Supervisor, and approved by the Jurisdictional Bishop. District Missionaries are the leaders of women on the district level. She is the extension of the Jurisdictional/State Supervisor, who will give close attention to women's ministry. She must be a participant in and a supporter of the District Superintendent's program for the District. She must use her influence to encourage women to do the same. It is appropriate that the District Superintendent may assign responsibilities to the District Missionary and the Women's Department. When this is done, the District Missionary should carry out those duties to the best of her ability. District Missionaries are the first (1st) persons in the Jurisdictional/State Supervisor's cabinet. They are to work close to the supervisor, being careful to follow the direction given to them in carrying out the program of the Women's Department. District Missionaries should be organizers and peacemakers with a concern about the program of the total Church. She must haven an evangelistic trust, which leads to the saving of lost souls. The District Missionary must visit churches in her district at least twice per year to given support to the local work, and to observe and review all segments of the women's work, reporting the same to the Jurisdictional Supervisor. She must also be prepared to respond to the call of the pastor when help is needed in organizing and /or encouraging the women to be loyal and supportive to their pastor, superintendent, bishop, and supervisor. The District Missionary must not neglect her local church.  

 Source: Official Handbook For Department Of Women, Church Of God In Christ, Inc., Third Revised Edition -2002

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