Classroom Requirements
Aspiring Missionaries
1. Attendance
2. Written examination After each class completed
3. Test examination 80% proficiency
4. Text Books: Each student is responsible for purchasing their own classroom books. Can purchase books from COGIC Bookstore, Amazon.com, or christianbooks.com
5. Certificate of Completion for each course completed and passed with 75% proficiency
Book List
1. Christian Holy Bible
2. Bishop C. H. Mason and The Roots of the Church of God in Christ, Centennial Edition, by Bishop Ethiel C. Clemmon
3. Official Handbook For Department of Women, Church of God in Christ, Inc.
4. The Christian Woman's Guide For Church Protocol & Saintly Decorum by Dr. Barbara McCoo Lewis
5. Centennial Edition, Understanding Bible Doctrine As Taught By The Church Of God In Christ
6. Department of Women, Church of God in Christ, Southern California First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Handbook for Aspiring, Deaconess, & Evangelist Missionaries by Dr. Barbara McCoo Lewis, Supervisor
7. A Christian Approach To Management & Leadership by Pastor James W. Henderson
8. Women in the Church of God in Christ, Making a Sanctified World, by Anthea D. Bulter