Mother Mattie McGlothen
Fourth General Supervisor 1976 – 1994

Mother Mattie McGlothen was the eleventh of fifteen children. She attended public school in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and college at Quindaro College in Kansas City, Kansas.
In July 1921, she was saved; Holy Ghost filled and healed of tuberculosis the same night. She married Bishop Charles Wenzell McGlothen in September 1923. They founded and pastored churches in Hugo, Idabelle and Tulsa, Oklahoma; Des Moines, Iowa; Fresno, Los Angeles, Richmond and Pittsburgh, California.
Dr. Mattie McGlothen served as a Supervisor in California for sixty-one years (1933-1994), and as General Supervisor for the International Women’s Department and Third President of the Women’s International Convention of the Church of God in Christ for eighteen years (1976 -1994).
She had founded, organized or reorganized the International Hospitality; Education and Scholarship Fund; Bishop’s Wives Scholarship Fund; Screening Committee for Jurisdictional Supervisors; McGlothen Foundation; Emergency Relief Fund; WE-12; Lavender Ladies; Leadership Conference for Jurisdictional Leaders and National Workers; and the Business and Professional Women’s Federation.
The Pavilion in Port-au-Prince, Haiti; a home for missionaries in the Bahamas Island, McGlothen House Annex, Women’s Department Office and guest house and the Women’s Convention Project, “I Am
Concerned,” were a few of her humanitarian efforts.
She passed away on May 4, 1994 at her home in Richmond, California.